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Whatssap +60124608983 Ethan 凡是在https://clover-int.com 网站只要用“LENGYEIN”促销代码即可获得折扣25%优惠,凡购买RM100或以上者皆可免付郵费,而RM99以下则需付RM7 的郵费了。 Use “LENGYEIN” promocode to get 25% discount, only available https://clover-int.com , online banking & credit card available. FREE SHIPPING on orders RM100 and above. Standard Shipping RM7 applies on orders RM99 below. __________________ 在此项促销活动里,所获得的盈利中,将有一部份会拨入或捐赠到下列非政府组织或慈善机构: -贫困饥饿的一群以及流浪动物。 -命运救援工作团队destinyrescue.org -协助工厂女工重获自由及维持生活的工作团队。 A generous amount of profit will go to NGOs to stop hunger of the poor & strayed animals; a team of rescuers at destinyrescue.org ; a team of factory women workers to regain freedom and supporting lives. __________________ 凡是在Leng Yein 现场直播时段下订单者,可获得项链及一个英文字母吊坠赠品一套,直到赠品送完为止,倘英文字母吊坠赠完将以精致手腕带代替。 Any orders placed during this live session, CLOVER will give out Cruelty-Free Initial necklaces of your choice (limited to one alphabet giveaway). If your alphabet is taken, we will replace with Reminder Choker Bracelets. __________________ 货存有限! Limited Stocks! 请游览FB&IG: clovercrueltyfree IG & FB : clovercrueltyfree For further info: Ethan 0124608983

Whatssap +60124608983 Ethan 凡是在https://clover-int...